Hubby and I, like any couple, love to unwind and go to new places where we could be alone and enjoy each other.

Like any couple, we love to go on vacation every once in a while to get away from our routine and do something different.

And like most couples we know, we would search vacation rental websites for some ideas for our getaway.

Hubby and I love the outdoors and one of the outdoor activities that we enjoy most is camping. Camping is fun except from some essential issues that I need to deal with like… the bathroom, the sleeping condition, and of course… the bugs. That is why, every time we plan to go camping we always end up in a hotel because Hubby doesn’t want to deal with my whining. LOL.

Funny as it is, I accidentally bumped into this vacation rental commercial and it reminded me of one of our misadventures years ago. Hubby was not very happy when the hotel reservation we had was not what we expected. Just like in the commercial video, we were not impressed with the kind of accommodation that we got.
That particular experience of ours was a lesson learned. Now, when we plan for a vacation we go to Vacation because they can provide us a more comprehensive idea of the kind of vacation we wanted and enjoy it at the same time.
Valentine's Day is just a week away. This is the best time to check on a romantic vacation with your loved one, so what are you waiting for?
What a great vacation.
An experience I have longing for.
Just be happy, take care & pray.
@Ely... thanks for dropping by. hope you get your dream vacation too.
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