Hubby came home a little late from work, tired and sore. I feel a little guilty because it supposed to be a Chinese night tonight because it's a Friday but I was so tired from work too so I didn't stop at my favorite Chinese Restaurant to buy his favorite A8 menu. I was just planning to heat up some left-over but Hubby just had a bowl of cereals so I had some chips and salsa.
Hubby had his bowl of cereals in bed. He complained about his knees and back [as usual] so I rubbed them with his magic ointment after his meal. After few minutes he already passed out and snored his way to dreamland.
I wish we had a few more minutes to talk how our days were but... well, I will just write it down here and hope that he will read it tomorrow.
Dearest Sweetest,I went to do the grocery today... a day earlier because I remember you told me the other day that you wanted to go ice-fishing over the weekends. I am so excited to go. I know you have your fishing license since December but you have not gone fishing since you got it because you don't want to spend so much on bait and gas on ordinary fishing day. You want to save that for the Derby that you know I look forward to.I went to do the grocery today... instead of tomorrow because you don't have any more milk in the fridge. I know you need your glass of milk and Oreo cookies every night even if you blame me for gaining weight. Well, I just can't afford not to include Oreo cookies in my grocery list because I just love the way you dunk the cookie in the glass counting seconds before you put it in your mouth. Good thing they come up with a "reduced fat" kind.I went to do the grocery today... because I don't want to get out of the bed early tomorrow to do the grocery. Instead I want to stay longer in bed with you cuddle up and not worrying about chores. And yes I am also hoping that you will make me BREAKFAST in bed since I made you SUPPER in bed. Wink*Good night, my Sweetest. I'll see you tomorrow... same bed... one blanket... new morning.Your Sweetie
oh! ruthi, that is soooo sweet. I bet he will give you a hug and a kiss after reading that in the morning...
sorry about you not having the chinese, there'll be next week.A8 it will be then...lol!
eng/salitype society
@Eng... Honestly, he doesn't read my blog. Sometimes I had to print a copy for him but since I ran out of ink in my printer... I bet he won't be able to read this. lol. And about the Chinese, I'm kinda sick of it now, you know having it every single Friday night. hahaha. Got to take a little break.
you are so sweet, Ruthi. i am sure he appreciates you so much for all your thoughtfulness and love. hope your hubby will have a wonderful fishing weekend.
i love this, Ruthi.it made me laugh...thanks for sharing with us this very loving, thoughtful letter for your husband.
@betchai... too bad Hubby's knees were sore and can hardly make it to the bathroom so ice fishing was impossible. we just hanged out at home watching TV. how romantic was that? hahahaha
@Len... thanks for taking the time to visit me again my friend, I miss you so much.
nice post. thanks.
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