Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I need a vacation... from vacationing

Yes, I'm back. My 7-week Philippines vacation was brief and short. I wasn't able to do all the things I need to do. And since I chose to come home during the typhoon season, it was mostly rainy and soggy. So i was basically spending time at home bonding with my brother's kids whom I miss so much.

Despite the unfavorable weather, my vacation is just as I thought - hectic, fun and enjoyable.

I had the chance to spend time with my brothers Gary and Japol [who took me to different places].

Bonded with my family...

Catch up with long-time friends...

and met-up with new friend.
 Reconnected with colleagues....

and former students...

Got-together with High School...
and Elementary classmates.

Ate most of the food that I miss so much...

and tasted new ones that I will surely miss.

Visited places I have not seen before...

revisited places that had once become part of my childhood memories...

and went back to places that I love to see again.

Did things I have not done before...

and got pampered away!

And now that I'm back home from vacation, I think I need another vacation so I can recover from hang-over.


betchai said...

welcome back, Ruthi, I did not know which one should be my favorite, but I guess you saved the best picture for last :) haha, love those multi-colored nails :)

i am jealous with all the foods you have.

Cherry said...

your vacation spelled F-U-N! i am green with envy.